The A + tablet coater line of a Namdar company is designed and offered to compete with European tablet coating machines. Highlights of the Namdar Company A + tablet coater include:
- Possibility of coating tablets with much lower capacities
- Ability to control all parts automatically through the user panel
- Exclusive specialized software of a well-known company for optimal management of the tablet coating process
- Ability to record, record and report all measured parameters for use in future processes
- Using spray nozzles with patented technology (bearding-Anti) when performing the tablet coating process
- Adjust the angle of the spray nozzles (pistols) on two separate axes
- Iron miner design buffs with the ability to stir the tablet mass optimally
- Pill emptying automatically until the last pill is guaranteed
- Ability to automatically close the sewage outlet during the process to prevent sewage gases from entering the system
- Provide CIP system without blind spot and collector by default in the system
- Provide approved documentation